Public Libraries of Ohio
Cities D-L
Dayton-Montgomery County Library
The above was replaced by the Dayton-Montgomery County Library in 1962. Apparently, there's a new moniker: Dayton Metro Library.
(R) Chrome postcard from the 1960s.


Apparently this was the Eidson home before its 1906 conversion into the Library. It also housed the water department, a curious juxtaposition.
Oddly, a Carnegie grant was rejected in favor of this mansion. The arrangement continued until 1955, when the water department got its own building, and in 1959, the property was transferred to the Preble County District Library, and the house demolished in 1973, for the Brooke-Gould Memorial Library.
When you wonder why librarians are a little reserved, here's a cautionary tale. Librarian Mrs. Lida Griswold, in the summer of 1909, was shot by a rejected suitor, in the library, in front of her son.
The postcard came from the Straw Bros. Printers, and has a 1907 pencil date on the back. It might have been trimmed along the way.
Fairview Park (Cuyahoga County Public Library--Fairview Park Regional Branch)
Shares a library system with Cleveland.
Replaced. A highly remodeled building stands at the 4449 W. 213th (sic) St. site.
The photo was taken by Frank Leslie, and printed on a Dexter Press card.

Fremont (Birchard Library)

(L) The cannon 'Old Betsy' stands in the park fronting the library.
(R) The linen finish card is a product of E.C. Kropp of Milwaukee.

Was the building Beaux-Arts, or not?
(Probably not, given the red brick.)
Did you know that President Rutherford B. Hayes' uncle gave the money to build the Birchard Library? And did you know that Hayes served on the library board at the same time he was president? Strangely, the monument in front only says something about Fort Stephenson.
No-one respects poor Rutherford.

A particularly unedifying Dexter Press postcard features both the town's post office and its library (L).
The library building was designed by Frank Packard to complement the architecture of the Granville Inn, which seems to be a rather flippant decision. Built in 1923, it needed a large addition in 1970, and 1989 and 2006 renovations.
The Library's history page is excellent.
Hamilton (Lane Free Library)

(L) Card by Leicke-Desch Printing, mailed in 1912.
(R) The Litho-Chrome brand post card was mailed in 1908.

According to the Lane Library's history page (no longer extant), the poor building has had floods, fires, and six renovations. How those all relate to each other is uncertain. The latest renovation was in 1995-1996.

Replaced an attractive Carnegie building ca. 1971. Still in use: it appears that it has been expanded.
Curt Teich postcard.
Lisbon (Lepper Library)

W.F. Ball card, printed by Weixelbaum in Lima, Ohio.

Tichnor Quality View, in linen finish.

Newer Dexter Press card, never mailed.
Lovely Romanesque building dating from 1897, founded by the widowed Virginia Lepper.
Still in use. Happily, the obscuring ivy is now gone.