Military Libraries
ALA Libraries
During the First World War, the American Library Association provided needed recreation--and education--to Allied soldiers.

Merchant Marine personnel hauling aboard and uncrating materiel from the ALA.
They are also shown enjoying the fruits of their labors.

War is hell. The ALA also supplied books and magazines (apparently in short supply) to men recovering in military hospitals.

ALA Camp Libraries

Part of the above series of postcards, this Camp Library is at Fort Dix, NJ.

Exterior and interior of the ALA Camp Library at Camp MacArthur in Waco, TX. This is the only interior view of a Camp Library in my collection. It seems remarkably permanent looking.

Veterans Administration Libraries
Hines VA Hospital Library, Maywood, Illinois

Hines is now associated with Loyola University Hospital (which has an excellent medical library).
The lovely photograph captures all the institutional details, including large standing ashtrays.
Danville, Illinois

(L) C.U. Williams 'Photoette' card.
(R) Groganchrome postcard.

Above the door is the date of 1906. Besides these facts, the VA Hospital library is perhaps the least known Carnegie library in the state. Per the Groganchrome card, printed in Danville:
Library, Veterans Administration Hospital
Danville, Illinois
Located two and a half miles east of business district of city, comprising 322.08 acres, on U.S. Route 136 and four miles west of Indiana state line. 131 miles south of Chicago and 86 miles west of Indianapolis, Ind.
There is no date nor postmark to give a clue about the age of this card. I have been informed that the building still stands.
Mountain Home, Tennessee

Carnegie Library, U.S. Veterans Administration Home, Mountain Home, Tennessee
Asheville Post Card Co. winter scene on linen finish stock.