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Carnegie Libraries of Washington
Cities S - Z


West Seattle Branch

Green Lake Branch








Yesler Branch

Clockwise: Green Lake Branch, West Seattle Branch, Ballard Branch, University Branch, Georgetown Branch & City Hall, and Yesler Branch

Ballard Branch









University Branch

Georgetown Branch & City Hall

I like your pluck.

--Andrew Carnegie, pertaining to the 1901, post-fire, grant request


Although I don't yet have the measurements to prove it, I suspect the 1901 Seattle Carnegie library was one of the nation's largest. The grant, which included four of the branch libraries shown above, totaled $430,000.

Unfortunately, the main building was one of the least attractive/imaginative.

(L) E.P. Charlton card.

(R) Mailed in 1911.

(L) Another E.P. Charlton & Co. card. its caption:

Public Library, Seattle Washington, Cost $300,000, contains 85,000 volumes


(R) Curt Teich 'C.T. Photochrom,' published in 1917.Neither of these cards was ever mailed. 


If the above is accurate, all the other branches cost $130,000 combined.


According to the Spokane Public Library's website, this Carnegie library was built in 1904 and outgrown in 1961. The building is still standing, in use as the offices of Integrus Architects.

A Carnegie-funded branch building is a court reporter's office.


Photo postcard, manufacturer unknown.

(L) For Washington Paper & Stationery Company by Spokane Lithography. Entire back.


(R) Inland Printing Company card.


Built from a 1910 Carnegie grant, this was demolished in 1964. The building seems to lack a functional basement floor.

Sunnyside, WA Carnegie library, demolished in 1964

(L) Photo postcard, by Wesley-Andrews.


(R) Amid the clutter is a Collier's magazine

Card from the Cardinell-Vincent Company of San Francisco.

Inside of the Sunnyside, WA Carnegie library

(L) Central News Co. card, with entire back, mailed in 1907.
(R) Issued for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific (1909) Exposition. Never mailed.


1901 grant. Still in use, adjacent to a whole new library.

Tacoma, WA Carnegie library, Courthouse, and Central School

Early 1908 grant: replaced in 1963.  Repurposed as the Clark County Historical Museum. It has been on the NRHP since 1982. 


The postcard publisher is unknown, and the card looks like it went through two world wars since it was mailed in May, 1914.

Walla Walla

Late 1903 grant. Replaced. Reused as (yet another) Carnegie Arts Center.


This Sprouse & Sons card is odd. It almost looks as if a German printer tried to make the Carnegie building look like a Prairie style building. Also, there's a strange occurrence of extra punctuation .

Walla Walla, WA Carnegie library
Wenatchee, WA Carnegie library

1909 Carnegie grant. Now the Wenatchee, Washington Department of Parks and Recreation.


Postcard printed by Curt Teich for J.L. Robbins.


Occasionally I don't know where to place a given library. Bobinski doesn't state there was a grant, and neither does the Wikipedia page. However, the Yakima Valley System's history page mentions a 1903 grant of $10,000, and a 1907 new library dedication. The grant date coincides with that for North Yakima, although the latter date does not.


Yakima, WA Carnegie library

(L) Robbins-Tillquist postcard, printed askew.

(R) Photo postcard, unknown printer.

Yakima, WA Carnegie library

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©2015-2025  Judy Aulik
Contact me at (my first initial) and last name at comcast (dot) net



Scanned images are provided in the spirit of scholarly study. Most are of an age to be in the public domain. However, if you use my scans, please credit this site.


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