Carnegie Libraries of Oregon
Currently, Oregon's library funding circumstances are more dire than in other states.
Much of the Carnegie information came from an OLA (Oregon Library Association) article no longer online.
There are many fun details in this Smith photo postcard, just post-WWII.
1911 Carnegie grant: still in use.

1909 grant. Still in use, expected to last until 2025.
Sexichrome card with a glossy finish. Never mailed.

Baker City
Built 1909. Its architects were Lawrence & Holford. Renovated for the Carnegie Arts and Cultural Center.

(L) This card's image leaves a lot to be desired.
(R) By now, you should know that when I say that, I go after another card. This was produced by Wesley Andrews, and bears the 1907 divided back.

Late 1903 Carnegie grant, which was the first in Oregon. Built in 1906; replaced in 1959. Building demolished.

(L) Gorgeous Edward H. Mitchell card, post-1907.
(R) Allen H. Eaton card, mailed in 1906.


Late 1913 Carnegie grant. Replaced in 2007.
Black and White brand card.
Hood River

1912 Carnegie grant. Still in use with a massive addition.
Real photo post card with no date information. However, the American flag does have 48 stars, narrowing it down slightly
Klamath Falls
The postcard manufacturer, VIEWS, Inc. was very emphatic as to its tradename. Wish they'd taken as careful a photograph of the Carnegie building.
1913 grant; demolished in 1964.

La Grande
1913 grant. Large building, replaced in 2006. Its architecture is similar to many school buildings in small town Illinois.
Now serves as the Art Center East.
Black and White brand postcard, possibly attributed to Curt Teich, or else the Commercial Colortype Co. of Chicago.


Early 1911 Carnegie grant. Replaced.
Curt Teich card from 1926.

1911 Carnegie grant. Still in use, with a 1986 addition.
Pacific Photo Co. card, mailed in 1916.

1913 Carnegie grant. Opened, 1914. Demolished, 1967.
The Library is still operating, with hours of service fewer than expected, but more than many libraries in the state.
Oregon City
Photo postcard mailed in 1921. It's in dreadful condition.
Late 1911 grant. Still in use.

Oldest library (1864) west of the Mississippi. It received 7 Carnegie grants total, beginning in 1901. There is some debate whether the Central library, appearing on these cards, was a recipient.
It was built in 1913 and heavily renovated in 1994-1997. It's still in use.

(L) PCK card.
(R) Oregon News card by Americhrome.


1907 Christmas Eve grant. Replaced in 1972. Now owned by Willamette University.
Card mailed in 1913 to Miss Berniece Gray of the Pomona (CA) Public Library.
The Dalles
Not Dalles. The Dalles.
1907 Carnegie grant. Built in 1910, according to a rather spiffy little Wikipedia site. I include it because of its great photograph.

The Carnegie building is replaced as a library, but is currently an arts center.
The Library continues as the Dalles-Wasco County Library.
The card has the notation, 'On the Line of the O.-W. R. & N.', and is published by the Pacific Novelty Co.
Umatilla County Library (Pendleton)

'Umatilla County Library' above the entrance. It's just a spectacular building, in use as the Pendleton Center for the Arts.
1915 grant.
Wesley Andrews postcard.

Union's population is now about 2,100 people. Its Carnegie library remains the only unaltered building in the state.
The card was mailed in 1914, fairly soon after the Library's completion date, and was distributed by the Union Drug branch of Rexall.