Carnegie Libraries of Ontario
Cities P - Z
Designed by Alexander Frank Wickson, apparently using the Classical Revival Type A plan. Built in 1903. Still in use.
Canadian card by the International Stationery Co. of Picton.


December 24, 1907 Carnegie grant. However, it was not built until 1914, in a rather spare Prairie style.
Still in use.
The photo card, unattributed, was mailed in 1947.
Saint Catharines
New Year's Eve, 1901 grant. (Shouldn't this predate Chatham?) Its architect was Sydney Badgley. It was demolished in 1977.
The card was not one of Valentine-Black's best efforts.
Saint Thomas

The Library itself states that it first petitioned for Carnegie funding in 1903, received its grant in 1904, and opened the resultant building in 1906.
The Carnegie library was replaced in 1973. Wikipedia states that the building now houses the St. Thomas Planning Office..
Valentine and Sons card of British manufacture.

Built 1902-3: demolished 1960.
Evidently the Canadians also imported German postcards. This is from the Edwardian era. It features a bandstand, a gazebo, and a cannon.
Which one of these objects is not like the others?
1911 grant. Still in use.
Modern chrome multiview card featuring the Shelburne Community Centre and the Dufferin County Museum, in addition to the library.

Late 1901 grant: built 1903. Still in use.
According to the Dexter Colour Canada card, mailed in 1990, it opened September 19, 1903 and is believed to be the oldest Carnegie building still in use as a library.

Toronto (Central Reference Branch)
Linen finish card by Colourpicture, of Boston, Massachusetts.
1903 grant. Closed 1977. Has been repurposed.


Warwick Bros. and Rutter card, printed in Toronto. Isn't the reverse of this card fantastic?
1906 grant. A.M. Pier was its architect. Current function unknown.


Valentine & Black card,
printed in the US.

Very glossy Stedman Bros. card, printed in Germany.

Warwick Bros. and Rutter card, printed in Toronto. Mailed in 1910.
1901 grant. Designed by John Scott & Co. to look good at every angle.