Carnegie Libraries of Kansas
Cities K-O
Kansas City

From the Webb-Freyschlog Mercantile.
Built ca. 1902.
This had been a Carnegie library, which stood in Huron Park. It was torn down in 1958.
Another KCKS branch, the Argentine Carnegie Library, is replaced.
As of 2017, that Classical Revival building is standing.
Dedicated in 1914, and remodeled at least twice since.
Black and White brand card with a beige background. Never mailed.

Opened 1904. Replaced 1972.Today the Carnegie building serves as the Lawrence Arts Center, and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

(L) Carl W. Mettner postcard, printed in Germany.
(R) Black and White brand card.


Souvenir Post Card.
Photo postcard by an excellent, anonymous photographer.
An E.C. Kropp card, probably 30 years newer, uses a similar sightline.
1900 grant. Replaced 1987. Current use unknown. Isn't this an especially dignified building?

1913 grant. The sandstone building is still in use, with a large addition.
The monochrome postcard was mailed in 1915. Note that it features The New Public Library.

1909 grant: still in use.
I'm not 100% certain that the Carnegie building was in use when this photo was taken. The lawn--peculiarly lush for a Kansas summer--is overgrowing the steps, and there doesn't seem to be a sidewalk for street traffic at all. The only clue to the age of the card is that it has a divided back.
1909 grant. Built by A.A. Shilkett, a local builder that had the card produced at Titus Studio, also local to Lyons. The building was dedicated in 1911. It was replaced in 1971: rehomed in a remodeled city hall. In use as the Coronado-Quivera Museum.

(L) Photo by A.A. Shilkett, printed by Titus Studio.
(R) "Garnegie" Library, Lyons, Kansas. I am fortunate to have the photo postcard, as this is quite lacking.

I don't normally provide a scan of the reverse of my postcards, much less a full-sized scan. However, this has strong historical significance. Its postmark is Mar. 2, 1911.


(L) Credit for the card is given to Guy Varney of Manhattan. This is a weird card that is tinted distinctly green in addition to the stylish cropping. That didn't improve it enough to use a color scan.
(R) This is an ugly card, too. Evidently the German retouchers had never seen an American flag. 10 stars? The pole apparently is real: ropes lead to it from the front wall.

Grant received 1903. Building built in 1904, and it now houses the County Attorney's office.
It's a lumpy building, but in an unnatural fashion. Probably it's built of concrete blocks, but possibly of sandstone or limestone like Lincoln above.
From 1903 to 1973 it was the city's library: in 1973, its deed was given to the Harvey County Historical Society. Today it houses that entity.

(L) Mailed in 1910.
(R) Gorgeous Fred Harvey postcard.


The library itself was founded in 1883, although the website doesn't mention the Carnegie days. 1910 grant. Demolished.
The Albertype postcard was mailed in 1925.
Built 1903; replaced in 2013. It's on the National Register, but I don't know its current function.

Another beautiful German 'LITHO-CHROME' card made for the South-West News Company, Kansas City, Mo.
A 1938 Curt Teich American Art card, with the liberty of an orange and yellow striped awning. How jaunty!
A 1958 Curt Teich chrome card, with plausible colors.