Carnegie Libraries of Indiana
Cities P-R

(L) Leather postcard, annotated 1906.
(R) S.H. Knox postcard.

1901 Carnegie grant. Still in use.
(L) The Puterbaugh Library Room drawn on this card is likely the reason why. There's a good chance this was a library fundraising card, so if you're ever there, maybe they will have more for sale.
1911 grant. Replaced, 1968. And now for something completely different as a current function:
The Triangle National Fraternity headquarters.
Please don't tell me they hold any keggers here.
B.H. Grimes postcard, possibly a Curt Teich product. However, the reverse is unevenly divided. Mailed in 1913, confirming the card date as close to the construction date.

1901 grant. A mishmash of several styles, Hoosier Indiana called it "Pseudo Renaissance Revival, it was razed and replaced. Was land that dear?

(L) Fort Wayne Paper Box & Printing Corporation postcard.
(R) Curt Teich postcard, printed ca. 1917.

1901 grant. Demolished in the 1990s.

(L) The publisher was O.L. Hall, 'The Bookman,' Portland, Ind.: the printer, Sol-Art Prints by the Rotograph Company of New York. The card was physically produced in Germany.

(L) Highly religious Mae sent this card in 1909. Notice the unusual plantings, which include elephant ear plants. Mae also sent another Portland library postcard later that year (not shown).
The fact that this is an entire back card makes me a little forgiving of Josephine Shuey. Mailed just a little more than a century ago, this card shows horticultural works in progress and a hand-colored sky.(Especially if the hand was anoxic.)

Early 1904 grant, per Bobinski's Carnegie Libraries (1969). Proudly still in use.
(L) Unattribute German post card.
(R) Somewhat idiosyncratic C.U. Williams card.


Both RPPCs lack attribution. You never know just how many locations called Princeton Library there are until you score one of these.

(R) Wayne Paper Box & Printing 'Clear View' card.
1903 grant, per Bobinski's Carnegie Libraries (1969). Opened in 1905: a huge, congruent addition keeps it functional as a library.


1915 grant. Burnt, 1960. Replaced in 1964. No intervening history, as I couldn't get beyond a snippet view in Google books.
No manufacturer attribution, but this card was mailed in 1919.
1903 grant, per the Waymarking site and Bobinski. Outmoded by 1992. Still in use as the Carnegie Center.
Bully for Rensselaer!

(L) Card published by H.G. Zimmerman & Co. of Chicago.
(R) A desirable C.R. Childs photo postcard, also of Chicago. This was mailed in 1911.

Rising Sun

1913 grant, per Bobinski's Carnegie Libraries (1969).
Still in use, although it looks much smaller on its web page than it does on the 'Black and White' brand card.
Late 1904 grant: subsequently replaced.
Now a private home.
Rochester's library is now part of the Fulton County Public Library.
Card came from the Rochester Bazaar, but may be a C.U. Williams 'Photo-ette.'

(R) T.S. Basye card printed by Curt Teich.
1916 building; still in use.


1914 grant. Still in use.
It is a pretty, but somewhat plain, building.
Photo postcard mailed from a stop on a 1936 cross-country trip.
Royal Center

1914 Carnegie grant: opened in 1915. The almost Prairie-style building is still in use as the Boone Township Public Library.
The postcard is an Auburn Post Card product, which resembles many of the cards by C.R. Childs.