Public Libraries of Alabama
There are many more non-Carnegie libraries than those that received Carnegie grants.

(L) E.C. Kropp postcard.
(R) 1927 Curt Teich postcard. The inscription on the Library reads:
Books are the legacy that a great genius leaves to mankind,
which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those yet unborn.

From the Library's history page, we have a lot to discover. The library, founded in 1886, lost its entire collection in the tragic city hall fire of 1925. This Indiana limestone building was the city's response.
The Carnegie Libraries of Avondale, Ensley, and West End have been incorporated into the Birmingham systems. Sadly, all three are demolished. This building still stands.
Florence (Florence-Lauderdale Public Library)

Don't know why, don't know when.
The 1951 postcard was produced by Curt Teich, master of the linen finish.

From Google View, it looks like this building is still in use.
Or not.
It might be standing.
Or not.
The card came from Walraven Brothers.

Replaced the 1916 Carnegie library. In turn, replaced by the 1987 'Fort Book.' I don't know if this 1966 building is still standing.
1971 Curt Teich chrome postcard shows a nice example of Mid-Century Modern architecture.
This is the Ben May Main Library.
It was finished in 1928, after its design by George Bigelow Rogers. It underwent total renovation in 2007.
The postcard, by Curt Teich, was published in 1941.

Ozark (Dale County War Memorial Library)

According to the unusually informative Colorama postcard, this was built in 1956 with a 1959 annex.
It's still in use.
Sylacauga (B.B. Comer Memorial Library)

The E.C. Kropp postcard tells us that this building was dedicated in 1939, and that Braxton Bragg Comer was a governor of Alabama.
It also tells us that the basement was tech services, the first floor, meeting and reading rooms, and the second floor for magazine storage and more reading rooms. Childrens' services are never mentioned.
The Library tells us that this was built as a WPA project, and replaced in 1979.